--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anon_astute_ff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Vaj does not only like to recycle old articles he once posted here
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Guruphiliac/message/825
> Is there a ban against selective cross-posting here?

No, and did I say there should be one? Please note that my post was
more about the two followup posts of Vaj about the peculiar FFL scene
which he doesn't have the guts to call by name. What I think is unfair
is the way he characterizes dialoques going on here, in which he
participated, in a onesided way, without giving references to the
posts he is referring to, like I do it: I cite the posts so that
everybody can look it up. Instead he promises to observe the scene,
here, so that it can duely give food for Jodys blog, while everybody
there could do that as well if he would just reference the posts he is
talking about. My post was meant to be informative, so that you know
waht is going on elsewhere. I could just have posted the urls without
sarcastic comment of course. But it strikes me a bit, that the same
poster, Vaj, has once tried to turn on amt posters to migrate to Ffl
(again nothing invalid in itself) because of the many enlightened
posters here.

> I mean if one
> shotguns everypost to 100 other sites, thats a poor practice.

Sure, but that everyone can see.

> On the
> other hand, if an insight forms in a post on FFL, and the idea
> develops over a month or two, and one submits a revised hopefully more
> refined post on the same idea somewhere else, sometime later, where is
> the harm. It seems to be a good thing, IMO. 

No argument with that. He is free to do so even though the post wasn't
refined, and didn't include any of the possible answers to the topic
here. The first post, polemic as it may have been I didn't object to.
Its more the follow up posts about the FFL scene, which he doesn't
call by name, I wanted to simply inform you about. As I think he
characterizes some posters here, and reports vaguely on some
conversations, without giving even the slightest reference to the POV
of the other side.

> > but also seeks recognition, for what he doesn't seem to get here, and
> > obviously with success
> > http://guruphiliac.blogspot.com/2006/04/enlightenment-anonymous.html
> That appears to be an odd form for you (usually clear, fair and
> informative -- and not prone to comments on persons rather than ideas)
> -- imputing motives to someone else -- particularly a "stranger". Why
> do any of us post? Is it for recognition? That seems a bit laughable,
> given the composition and quite small size of active posters here.

Well I do think people seek recognition for their ideas. Its normal,
its human. Also Vaj imputes motives to the Satsang givers and takers,
and includes FFL here in this in a most generalistic way. He just had
called it a group-support for co-dependents, and then goes on to give
as a very specific example the type of experience-sharing going on
here. Please people feel free to share your innermost experiences of
higher states, you'll soon find yourself charachterized on
Guruphiliac's blog.

> For perhaps odd reasons, the quirkiness of FFL, within me, induces
> thoughts to explore. I post because it allows me to work out these
> ideas, and occasionally, receive some good feedback and discussion --
> which btw,  if they change my original view, I consider it a good day.

I agree with you.

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