--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sahadeva=coccyx center=restraint (muladhara chakra)

sahadeva (%{saha4-}) mfn. *with the gods*[emph. added] MBh. BhP. ; m. 
N. of a R2shi (with the patr. %{vArSAgira}) RV. i , 107 ; of a man 
(with the patr. %{zAJjaya}) S3Br. ; of the youngest of the five 
Pa1n2d2ava princes (son of Ma1dri1 and reputed son of Pa1n2d2u , best 
really son of the As3vins , and twin-brother of Nakula ; 

. Nakula=sacral 
> center=obedience (svadhishthana chakra)

nakula mfn. (in spite of Pa1n2. 6-3 , 75 prob. not fr. %{na} + %
{kula}) of a partic. colour (perhaps that of the ichneumon) TS. 
RPra1t. ; m. the Bengal mungoose or Viverra Ichneumon (enemy of mice 
and of serpents from whose venom it protects itself by a medic. 
plant ; cf. %{nAkulI}) AV. MBh. &c. ; a son L. ; a partic. musical 
instrument Lalit. ; N. of S3iva L. ; of a son of the As3vins and 
Ma1dri1 (twin-brother of Saha-deva and fourth of the Pa1n2d2u 

 Arjuna=lumbar=Self control 
> (manipura chakra)

arjuna mfn. (cf. %{Rjra4} and %{raj}) white , clear (the colour of 
the day RV. vi , 9 , 1 ; of the dawn RV. i , 49 , 3 ; of the 
lightning ; of the milk ; of silver , &c.) ; made of silver AV. iv , 
37 , 4 ; m. the white colour "' L. ; a peacock L. ; cutaneous disease 
Sa1y. on RV. i , 122 , 5 ; the tree Terminalia Arjuna W. and A. ; N. 
of a man RV. i , 122 , 5 ; of Indra VS. S3Br. , of the third of the 
Pind2ava princes (who was a son of Kr2itavi1rya who was slain by 
Paras3ura1ma) ib 

> Bhima=dorsal=vitality (anahata)

bhIma mf(%{A})n. fearful , terrific , terrible awful formidable , 
tremendous RV. &c. &c. (ibc. , fearfully &c.) ; m. Rumex Vesicarius 
L. ; N. of Rudra-S3iva A1s3vGr2. Un2. Sch. ; of one of the 8 forms of 
S3iva Pur. ; of one of the 11 Rudras Pur. ; of a Devagandharva MBh. ; 
of one of the Devas called Vajn5amush ib. ; of a Da1nava ib. 
Katha1s. ; of a Vidya1dhara Katha1s. ; of a son of the Ra1kshasa 
Kumbhakarn2a Cat. ; of the second son of Pa1n2d2u (also called) Bhima-
sena and Vr2iko7dara ; he was only the reputed son of PñPa1n2d2u , 
being really the son of his wife Pr2itha1 or Kunti1 by the wind-god 
Va1yu , and was noted for his size , strength and appetite) 

> Yudisthira=cervical=calmness (vishuddha)

yudhiSThira m. (for %{-sthira}) `" firm or steady in battle "'N. of 
the eldest of the 5 reputed sons of Pa1n2d2u (really the child of 
Pr2itha1 or Kunti1 , Pa1n2d2u's wife , by the god Dharma or Yama , 
whence he is often called Dharma-putra or Dharma-ra1ja ; he 
ultimately succeeded Pa1n2d2u as king , first reigning over Indra-
prastha , and afterwards , when the Kuru princes were defeated , at 
Hastina1-pura ; cf. IW. 379 &c.) MBh. Hariv. Pur. ; of a son of 
Kr2ishn2a Hariv. ; of two kings of Kas3mi1ra Ra1jat. ; of a potter 
Pan5cat. ; (with %{maho7pA7dhyAya}) of a preceptor Cat. ; pl. the 
descendants of Yudhi-sht2hira (son of Pa1n2d2u) Pa1n2. 2-4 , 66 
Sch. ; %{-vijaya} (or %{-dig-v-}) m. N. of a poem by Va1sudeva Parama-
s3iva-yogin of Kerala. [855,2]  

> When these powers or 'warriors' come to the aid (are unfolded) of 
> chela or 'Arjuna' they fight the evil minded sons of the blind King 
> Dhritarashtra; lust, greed, avarice and so on.....I could go on but 
> you 
> get the idea.
> The Gita is an alegorical story about the internal battlefield 
> (kurukshetra) of man and his struggle with evil (delusion) and the 
> final victory by ascention to Spirit and the destruction of 

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