--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Jeff Fischer" 
> <jeffcandace@> wrote:
> >
> > As anyone reading this is back walking around in a body, where did 
> you 
> > go the last time you dropped your body?
> >
> ************
> One of Patanjali's sutras not taught by the TMO is for knowing past 
> lives, so this knowledge is certainly doable, and the Vedic lit is 
> full of sages who recalled all their past lives. Apparently going to 
> hell first (and heaven afterwards, before rebirth on earth) when you 
> die is a good thing, as it means that your life was predominately 
> good -- people who go to heaven first spend a longer time in hell
> (s) ):
> "18. By perceiving the impressions, (comes) the knowledge of past 
> life. 
> Each experience that we have, comes in the form of a wave in the 
> Chitta, and this subsides and becomes finer and finer, but is never 
> lost. It remains there in minute form, and if we can bring this wave 
> up again, it becomes memory. So, if the Yogi can make a Samyama on 
> these past impressions in the mind, he will begin to remember all his 
> past lives."
> http://www.yoga-age.com/sutras/pata3.html

Nice translations. I don't think I have seen "die at will" in
connection with this suutra before:

40. By conquering the current called Udana the Yogi does not sink in
water or in swamps, he can walk on thorns etc., and can, die at will.

Udana is the name of the nerve current that governs the lungs and all
the upper parts of the body, and when he is master of it, he becomes
light in weight. He does not sink in water; he can walk on thorns and
sword blades, and stand in fire, and can depart this life whenever he


 utkrAnti       f. stepping up to VS. S3Br. ; going out ; passing away ,
dying Katha1s.

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