TurquoiseB wrote:
> I'm a Buddhist
Which one?

> who doesn't even believe that God exists.  
You've mentioned this numerous times, as if it were a badge of honer,
being an athiest, and using that to impress other respondents. But
there is no evidence that the historical Buddha was an athiest. On the
contrary, he apparently believed in all the gods. 

That the Buddha was an athiest, as you define it, is but a false rumor
that has been spread because Buddha and his desciples rejected the
saving grace of the Vedas, rejected the caste system, and promulgated
ahimsa, which upset the blood sacrifice livelihood of vested interests
such as the Brahmin priests of his day.

According to Gotama, belief in the Gods or God does not in any way
alter the law of action and reaction, in which each individual gets
exactly what is coming to him, based on his karma or past actions, so
whether or not you believe in God or the gods is irrelevant to the
topic of samadhi, according to the Buddha.

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