On Jan 10, 2007, at 5:46 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

This is an example of what the caste system is *really*
like, not what Maharishi and you present as an idealized
picture of it. Maharishi's portrayal of what caste is all
about in India today is as accurate as his portrayal of
what life was like in India in Vedic times.

Actually what would happen--per design (i.e. the TMO city plans posted) is to divide the reconstructed cities in quarters.

Guess which quarter you and I *and* Judy would be in?

Yep, you got it: the untouchable side of town. We're mlecchas.

BTW, if you see a pundit today, give them a gentle hug or a shake of the hand and tell them you are a lover of universal tolerance.

Great bumper sticker for TMO pundit areas:

Support Universal Tolerance. Hug a Pundit.

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