> > > Agreed. Each of the criticisms of Maharishi and each of the 
> praises 
> > > of him, or responses to the criticisms should be judged on 
> own 
> > > merits. I agree that Barry looks pretty one-sided sometimes, as 
> if 
> > > he has already made up his mind regarding any responses to a 
> > > criticism of Maharishi and what that represents to him.
> > > 
> > > I personally responded to Paul's stuff twice. Once to say his 
> phony  
> > > question and answer format was what is commonly known as 
> a 'hatchet 
> > > job', in other words selectively picking Q & A, designed to 
> reveal 
> > > the subject in the worst possible light, and the second time as 
> > > response to the final question and answer posed by Paul, 
> suggesting 
> > > that he should perhaps change his name to "Perry Mason", a TV 
> lawyer 
> > > who always got his man. Neither response could be characterized 
> as 
> > > un-sane or extreme.
> > 

I have no strong opinion on Heaven or Hell. Perhaps those states of 
Bliss and Tamas excist, perhaps not. But if Hell excists I think this 
Paul Mason fellow is a strong candidate for a prolonged stay in one 
of those premises. I mean, spreading slander about an outstanding 
Saint for money ??  It's like a plea for a stay in an unpleasant 
place. IMO. To be subdued and treated by Tamas for a long period of 
time at least is a guarantee for not having to deal with this lowlife 
fellow in our next incarnation.

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