On Feb 22, 2007, at 1:19 PM, Mr. Magoo wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Yogananda's Gita, you must remember was not published until 1995, MMY
had not even read it or was aware of it. MMY's came out in 1967!
Although I like your quote from MMY about Yogananda.

In English it was not out till then, how about Hindi? Paramahansa
Yogananda died in '52!

Nope, don't think so, it was tied up in editing for that long, believe
it or not!  Well worth the wait though, the best book on Yoga I've
ever read!

Wow, that's great someone took the years and labor of love it must've taken to get this done. I bet if someone were to take all the commentaries and the original texts (the BG is derived from pre- Vaishnavite sources) it would be the size of an encyclopedia.

I'd be interested to hear Yogananda's rendering of the classic verses used to verify full awakening of kundalini-shakti (IIRC ch. 9).

Yogananda was one of my high school heroes. A weird story, when I was reading Autobiography of a Yogi in 8th grade, my homeroom teacher got sick and was out for months. We got this new substitute who sees me reading the book and says (to me half-way back the class, reading this orange-covered book) "is that Paramahansa Yogananda?"-- and of course my jaw dropped to the ground. Here she was an old disciple! The stories she told our circle of friends were like nectar to our ears.

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