TurquoiseB wrote:
> Working with this theory in mind, I once developed 
> a ritual for job or contract interviews that never
> fails. I get up early, run a few miles, shower, med,
> and then put on a certain "interview suit" that I
> bought in Paris and that I have associated in my
> mind with success. Then I walk into the interview
> not giving a damn whether I get the job or the 
> contract, focusing *only* on having as much FUN
> with the interview process as humanly possible.
> And it's never failed. Not once. 
So, you "trick" them into thinking you can do the work. 

Nice. But how, exactly, does an American get jobs over 
in France on a tourist visa? Apparently you've outsourced 
yourself. So, how do French workers feel about immigrants 
taking their jobs and going to French free clinics?

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