"Is Consciousness the Unified Field?" - if consciousness is truly 
most fundamental, there IS a need to relate it to the most 
fundamental laws of physics, because presently it is being ignored 
altogether. As for the limits and incomprehensibility of Hagelin's 
metaphors or equivalences, surely the same could be said of the 
Vedas - in spite of countless commentaries it remains a rather 
obscure philosophy/manual of consciousness. In the end nothing 
but "realization" itself will do.. 

But I think you are both being too harsh on Hagelin.. He is making 
valiant efforts to interpret those equations in novel ways, as 
windows to the properties of the unified field. Like us looking at 
the behaviour of someone and figuring out underlying propensities? 
The discussion on the equations reflecting the non-duality of unity I 
thought ADDED to my understanding of nonduality I had  come across 
previously from similar statements made by individuals or in 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 15, 2007, at 7:45 AM, Peter wrote:
> > All this theoretical physics stuff from Hagelin is a
> > metaphor, and a poor metaphor at that. It is
> > essentially incomprehensible and contributes
> > absolutely nothing to the understanding of
> > Realization.
> It's interesting, MIU physics texts (privately published) did  
> emphasize a relationship and an analogy between physics and  
> consciousness BUT they also included a chapter on such analogies 
> mentioned the fact that such analogies could only be taken so far.
> At some point, probably around the time Hagelin was urged 
> to write the hilarious "Is Consciousness the Unified Field?", a 
> leap of faith was made and analogy became taken as science or fact.
> The TMO and Mahesh Varma: putting the "Con" back in Consciousness 
> selling it to you.

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