John wrote:
> By many counts, the US culture does not follow the ideal 
> vedic culture.  For example, we eat meat, drink liquor, 
> mix freely with the opposite sex, have same sex unions, 
> work for money and career, get married primarily to enjoy 
> sex. 
Most historians agree, John, that the Vedic Aryan speakers 
all ate meat, drank barley beer and consumed large portions 
of the psycedelic decoction Soma mentioned in Rig Veda X. 

The Vedics met and mixed freely with the opposite sex and 
worked and raised cattle for money and career. And they 
got married primarily to enjoy sex. 

Haven't you read the Kama Sutra? 

> In spite of these negatives, the American economy is as 
> strong as ever. That goes to show that the Supreme Being 
> is tolerant, merciful and is willing to grant boons to 
> whomever He or She wants.
Who said that eating meat and enjoying sex was a negative?

It's even more fun when you have money and cattle. We don't 
have any Soma around here, but we do have lots of Lone Star 
beer and we sacrifice lots of cows at outdoor bar-b-ques 
down by the river, so in that sense, the Texas is the *ideal* 
Vedic culture.

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