Does anyone else notice the similarity of the
Judyspeak below to the recent postings by Lisa
and Joe? The *emphasis* is not on the relevant
issue (in this case, whether TMers were ripped 
off by fellow TMers), but on establishing the
person who "thinks incorrectly" (in this case,
Vaj) as a "bad person," a "liar."

THAT is what Lisa and Joe have built their
"career" on, while "defending" Sai Baba. THAT
is what Judy Stein has built *her* "career"
on, while "defending" Maharishi.

It would be different, IMO, if, when confronted
by a post critical of Maharishi or the TMO, Judy
dealt with the discernible facts and ONLY the
facts. Google away! Provide all the documentation
in the world to support your stance.

HOWEVER, when you can't leave it at that, and
feel that you *have* to follow up the facts by
trying to get everyone here to agree that the
other person is a "liar," or "intellectually
dishonest" or otherwise untrustworthy, THEN
you have crossed the border into compulsive
ad hominem, into "shoot the messenger."

IMO, for Lisa and Joe, ad hominem is a way of
life. They *live* to demonize the critics of
Sai Baba. And as a result they have lost the
respect of pretty much every forum they have
ever touched. IMO, for Judy, sadly (because it's 
a waste of a good intellect), ad hominem had also
become a way of life. And Judy wonders why she
"don't get no respect" here.

And the saddest part is that all three actually
feel GOOD about what they do. They see themselves
as some kind of hero, fighting for truth, justice,
and the American Way. 

The day that Judy can respond to the facts and
*leave* it at the facts, without including one
of her "zingers" at the end of the post urging
other readers to think of the person she's 
debating with or refuting as a liar or a fool 
or intentionally misleading, then I'll "promote"
her to "aspiring hero." Until then, she's just
a mean-spirited bitch who gets off on trying 
to convince others that they should hate the
same people she hates.

--- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, Vaj <vajranatha@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On Jun 3, 2007, at 1:51 PM, authfriend wrote:
> <snip>
> > > It looks to me, from reading the material about
> > > the book from Gratzon and others, that it's very
> > > much along the lines of "The Secret."
> > >
> > > I'm not endorsing Gratzon's approach, by the way,
> > > or suggesting that TMers haven't crafted or gotten
> > > suckered by get-rich-quick schemes. But Gratzon's
> > > book ain't one of 'em.
> > >
> > > My only point is that Vaj did not tell the truth
> > > when he claimed there were links to get-rich-quick
> > > schemes from a Google search for the phrase "Do
> > > nothing and accomplish everything," and that he
> > > continues to tell falsehoods in an attempt to cover
> > > up that unfortunate fact.
> > >
> > > As usual, though, nobody but me seems to think
> > > there's anything wrong with that.
> > Don't assume that the world revolves around Google. Most of what
> > I'm sharing will be apparent to those who actually have not lived
> > sequestered lives but have some experience in the movement and the 
> > people who were part of it.
> ("Lived sequestered lives"? Vaj thinks I've led a
> sequestered life? That's hilarious.)
> Vaj is *still* trying to cover up the lie he told
> about having found lots of links to "get-rich-quick
> schemes" in a Google search of the phrase "Do
> nothing and accomplish everything."
> There were no such links. He made it up. The only
> links to that phrase were to a book by a TM
> teacher that had nothing to do with "get-rich-quick
> schemes."
> (Actually there may have been a couple of links to
> TM-related sites that discussed what MMY means by
> the phrase, which obviously has nothing to do with
> get-rich-quick schemes either.)
> > I see Judy as someone very much on the  
> > periphery of the movement
> Not even on the periphery, as I have made quite
> clear.
> > (likely not even able to meditate in the  
> > domes, a course reject)
> I've been accepted on every course I've ever
> applied to, actually, several dozen over the
> years. (Never applied to one at MUM other than
> my TM-Sidhis block, though.)
>  who only pieces together info from secondary  
> > sources. I postulate my claims based on direct experience
> > of people involved in movement inspired businesses and the
> > financial disasters that ensued. The reason no one supports
> > your dissembling is they see it as just that: a second or
> > third handed attempt to build an argument based on google-loka.
> As Vaj knows, he's misrepresenting my argument.
> It has to do with direct experience of Vaj and
> Google, not with the movement or the financial
> problems of TMers.
> Vaj told a lie about what he had found on Google.
> That's my argument, and as Vaj knows, it's he who
> is dissembling, not me.
> > Maybe if you had some better social skills people could actually  
> > believe you've been out there and seen something, anything that  
> > supports your desperate attempts at salvaging your point.
> My point was that Vaj lied about what he had
> found on Google, and it has no need of salvaging,
> thank you, as anyone can determine for themselves
> by doing the same search.
>  But based  
> > on your (apparently) sequestered life, I doubt you get out
> > that much my dear.
> Vaj, you're going to need another shovel soon.
> The one you've been using isn't going to hold up
> much longer.

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