--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 7/6/07 10:05:28 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> From another list:
> analyze this
> _http://rapidshare.http://raphttp://rahttp://ra_ 
> (http://rapidshare.com/files/41054578/jesus.wmv) 
> 1.  Klick rigth underneath on FREE
> 2. Type de code 3.  download
> ----------------
> A growing number of Evangelical  Christians believe
> there is a revival underway in America that  requires
> Christian youth to assume leadership roles in
> advocating the  causes of their religious movement.
> This documentary, directed by Heidi  Ewing and
> Rachel Grady, directors of the critically acclaimed
> "The Boys  of Baraka," follows Levi, Rachael, and
> Tory to Pastor Becky Fischer's "Kids  on Fire"
> summer camp in Devil's Lake, North Dakota,
> where kids as young  as 6 years-old are taught to
> become dedicated Christian soldiers in "God's  army."
> Imagine a place where focused, precocious kids  pledge
> allegiance to a holy text and train as ideological warriors
> -  even, yes, martyrs. You're imagining America -
> specifically, Kids on Fire,  an evangelical madrassa
> devoted to fomenting a religiopolitical  Children's
> Crusade. ''This world, all it feeds you is trash,''  says
> 12-year-old Levi. ''I want the meat.''
> recensies:
> _http://www.rottentohttp://www.http://www.ro_ 
> (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/jesus_camp/) 
> _http://www.metacrithttp://www.mehttp://www.metac_ 
> (http://www.metacritic.com/video/titles/jesuscamp) 
> Cut  to the flickering images of children writhing in a spiritual 
trance on a 
>  chapel floor 
> while being hectored about the glory of dying for Christ, and  one 
> exactly where the 
> first Christian suicide bombers will come  from.
> The problem here is Christianity has no concept of Jihad or 
conversion  under 
> the sword. When it was done, crusades and inquisition, it wasn't  
> based. Children writhing in spiritual trance on the floor, could 
this  be 
> anything like sutra practice in which I have seen the same thing? 
Sounds like  you 
> fear Christians on fire with the Holy Spirit more than Muslims on 
fire with  
> suicide belts.>>>

Er...hundreds of thousands killed, maimed, or displaced by an 
arrogant Christian fundamentalist regime (Bush, Ashcroft, Rice, 
Rove, and others). Are you that anive that you don't realise that 
the fanaticism that fuels the Christian "taliban" is the same 
fanaticicism and arrogance that caused GW Bush to say he follows "a 
Higher Father", and he, by believed he therefore cannot do wrong. 
This is the EXACT philosophy of the Born-Again Christians, and they 
believe they are superior and you are going to Hell. This is what 
Bush believed. You are inferior to him and his buddies. 
American Christians have been getting high tech machines to murder 
people by the hundreds of thousands, and the government was DIRECTLY 
supported by them in large numbers. The Muslim fanatics manage to 
kill with suicide bombs and some lucky chances on 9/11. 

There is no difference between the two. The only difference is that 
you think the Iraq war was caused by political forces. It was not. 
It was fueled by fundamentalist fanaticism in the US and even in the 
US military, and the result is a quagmire you cannot get out of. No 
way out. No way to stay much longer either. No choices left for you. 
You are stuck there in a quagmire mess for many, many decades. You 
are naive if you think you can get out. Even if you get out for a 
short time, you will end up having to go back in in much larger 
numbers and with much greater casualties not long after. 

Fundamentalist Christian arrogance caused this quagmire, and 
fundamentalist Muslim arrogance is just as bad, only much less big 
guns and fighter jets. All of this Bush administrations ignorant 
mess was CAUSED DIRECTLY by the arrogance of a religious group who 
states that it follows God, therefore cannot do wrong. The other 
side is the satanic one. Both Muslim and Christian fundies are the 
same. You are incredibly naive to think that American 
fundamentalists do not kill for religion. Even some top positions in 
this administration were filled by inexperienced people who 
graduated from that fat preachers 'university'/madras, and they were 
all gung-ho to kill for Jesus. This administration believed they 
were the righteous saints, and now this quagmire you will not get 
out of and it is going to eat away at your national pride, national 
moral, and national budget in increasing clarity. 

I am not being a doomsayer, just saying what I and many others 
predicted would happen as a result of this ignorant action. Sure 
something had to be done about Saddam, but this was a massive and 
unprecedented strategic mistake and a blunder of historic 
proportions and the wrong way to go about it.

Fortunately Jesus Camp is a bit dated now, and Ted Haggard who stars 
in it as an arrogant, self-agrandizing, christian fanatic, is outed 
as a drug toking, anus fucking, prostitute using, fake, and many 
other Christians are turning away from the fanatic arrogance that 
fueled the Neocons Talibanesque onslaught on civilization, and are 
turning to a more humble form of their religion. Bush is practically 
the most disgraced president of all time, and the US will have VERY 
a hard time recovering from the mess into which it has dug itself.

Quagmire mess, soldiers returning home psychologically shaken, 
desertions fast on the rise, moral declining. Well done BushSheep. 
What an ubelievable mess. You will see prices rising across the 
board, and your income decreasing as a result of this. 

(I'll be alright though, I got Euros ;-)


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