--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >
> > shempmcgurk wrote:
> > > 
> > I think this would be a mistake.  Pakistan too is a sovereign 
> > Many liberals agree with my position.  I was just listening to Ed 
> > Schultz say it would be a mistake.  Let's elect someone who isn't 
> > globalism, empire, corporatism and playing war.
> >
> This is so naive...
> Maybe we should wait until bin Laden flies to Vegas, so we can get 
> when he's in Vegas.

I hear he stays at Caesar's but he doesn't gamble.  He spends half 
his time at the Forum shops (he particularly likes Wolfgang Puck's 
new place because there isn't any pork on the menu) and the other 
half pool-side.  This pisses off the management because, for years, 
they comped him his suite.

> Pakastan doesn't control the territory where these asswholes hide 
> I can't understand how we could spend 100's of Billions of Dollars 
> invade Iraq, and not go accross the porous border into Pakastan.
> It almost seems that Osama bin Laden is viewed as some kind of Nazi
> Fascist Saviour, and I assure you, he is not.
> He is an evil genuis, and should have been destoyed, in November of
> 2001, in Tora Bora...
> This isn't playing games- this is protecting life.
> As this one- Osama bin Laden would love to drop a nuke right on your
> pacifist head.

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