Michael Dean Goodman wrote:
> > I call Maharishi by the name he uses to speak of himself. 
> > This is common courtesy. To change someone's name (to 
> > shorten it, make it 'cutesy', or whatever - as in 'The 
> > Marshy') is usually the mark of strongly-gripped
> > individual ego - either to show off, or to appear more 
> > intimate than we actually are, or to put someone down, 
> > or to express anger in a childish way. 
> >
BillyG wrote:
> You gotta love FFL with posts like this, my laugh for 
> the day!!
So, why do you always call him "Marshy"?

But, I'm a childish show off trying to act 'cutesy' so as 
to appear more intimate when it is common knowledge that
his name is Mr. Varma?

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