I knew it wouldn't be long...

Barry, you're so *predictable*.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <drpetersutphen@> wrote:
> >
> > Someone mentioned apologize. For what? 
> You and your comments were merely the excuse
> that an unhappy person was waiting for to dump
> their unhappiness on someone else, and hope-
> fully drag that someone else down to their level.

Nope, wrong. Also predictable.

> You didn't fall for it. Good for you.

Actually, unlike you, Peter understands the
objection to what he did, as you'd know if you
didn't think you were so smart you could jump
into a thread anywhere and make insightful
comments on a post without bothering to read
the followups.

> This whole thread has my vote for the coveted
> Tempest In A Pisspot Award.

<horselaugh> Speaking of predictable!
> It's a talk forum on the Internet, people,
> not the Washington Post or The Truth, The Whole
> Truth And Nothing But The Truth magazine. If 
> some folks understood that, they might have 
> more fun here.

Actually it's a big deal *because* it's a talk
forum on the Internet and not The Washington
Post, etc. Talk about missing the point... Not
even Peter needed to have that explained to him.

> But now, Peter, asking a professional out of 
> curiosity, *is* there a psychological term or 
> profile for someone who obsesses on making other 
> people apologize to them, or apologize, period? 

Oopsie!  Wasn't I who suggested that Peter apologize.
It was Shemp.

And he was kidding.

> We all know a few who seem to specialize in this. 
> To me it feels like it's some kind of power game 
> played by people who are incapable of being them-
> selves and acting naturally. The goal of the game
> seems to be to make other people who are *not* so 
> constricted apologize for the sin of being comfort-
> able with who they are.

You can take your foot out of your mouth now, Barry.

But you raise an interesting point. I'd be curious
to know if there's a psychological term or profile
for the type of person who rejects any kind of
accountability for what they say and do, and who
characterizes that lack of accountability as "being
comfortable with who they are": in other words,
incapable in their own eyes of ever doing anything
they shouldn't.

<snicker> Sound like anybody we know?

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