--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> TurquoiseB wrote:
> > But now, Peter, asking a professional out of 
> > curiosity, *is* there a psychological term or 
> > profile for someone who obsesses on making other 
> > people apologize to them, or apologize, period? 
> I don't know if Peter would agree but you named the term 
> when you said "obsesses" as I think it would be "obsessive 
> compulsive behavior" which I have mentioned here before.  
> I think TM increases it and may well be what is referred 
> to as "spontaneity" by the movement.  I know a number 
> of meditators that feel they are obsessive compulsive.

Obsessive compulsive disorder certainly fits quite 
a few people who have posted here, most of them 
interestingly from the TB camp. 

But in my view there is something *else* going on
when someone obsesses about trying to make someone
apologize to them, or to other people. It's beyond
the "nanny" or "hall monitor" mentality, and moves
into the realm of a real power play launched by
someone who simply doesn't *have* any personal power
of their own, and wants to eradicate it in those
who *do* have a modicum of personal power. 

Whatever it is, it's weird...

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