--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> NM:
> If Judy or anyone calls you a liar or fuckhead, they should
> > be banned for a week. Thats gratuatious flaming and is against
> > the GUIDELINES. [caps added]
> Judy
> It sure ain't gratuitous when it's in response to a
> post headed, "Time to vote -- Who's a bigger liar
> and fuckhead? John or Edg?"
> All of my discussions today has in the context of the guidelines.

Right. But you used me as an example, as if I
had gratuitously flamed Edg and had thereby
violated the guidelines. That was a mistake.
I was correcting you. If you want to use me as
an example of someone who has gratuitously flamed
somebody, don't use this exchange with Edg, find
an instance where I actually *did* that.

These kinds of mistakes get ingrained into the
Common Wisdom. I'd just as soon not be known as
the person who flamed Edg by calling him a liar
and a fuckhead without any provocation.

Got it now? Or do you need to have me go over
it again for you?

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