--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bronte Baxter 
>>   This is an interesting post. snip
It's about kundulini. What are you supposed to do with it? 

You're going to get a flood of responses.  Let me say, I was one who 
fervently prayed for "enlightenment" in the early days..  And I think 
one consequence of this was that I got what I understand to be 
a "premature awakening of kundalini".  The result has been a certain 
discomfort which has lasted about 25 years.  This discomfort takes the 
form of energy crashing around in my body, usually in the chest or 
mouth area.  When I am balanced this energy flows smoothly.  And when 
I am out of balance the enegy flow is disrupted, or impeded.  When 
things are balanced the feeling is one of grace, and I feel I am in 
sync with my "Divine Mother", and I seem to operate on a more quantum 
mechanical level.  BTW, I think that's what "enlightenment" is - 
operating on the quantum level, as opposed to a Newtonian level. 
That's my story. There's plenty more, but that's the nutshell version. 


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