On Sat, Aug 01, 2009 at 12:29:36AM -0500, Doug Ledford wrote:

> That reading in the data digitally uses non trivial amounts of PCI and
> CPU bandwidth.  If I can't hear the difference between the two modes,
> then that CPU usage is a total waste of resources.  I have other things
> I want my CPU to be doing.

If 150K/sec is non-trivial PCI bandwidth, I think you should probably 
ask for a refund on your motherboard. From a power management point of 
view I'd like to agree that offloading this from the CPU is a good 
thing, but Lennart's right - most newly built machines don't hook these 
up, and adding a control that influences CD volume on a small number of 
machines and does nothing whatsoever on a larger number isn't a sensible 
UI optimisation.

Matthew Garrett | mj...@srcf.ucam.org

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