On Wed, 18 Jun 2008 17:44:39 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:

> The drive itself must read the equ of LSN0 from the disk, deduce the file 
> system 
> and configure itself, all the while poking at the disk to see what it really 
> is.  This process, on any drive I've ever owned, can take upwards of 75 
> seconds, and rarely less that 55.

55 seconds? Wow! No drive I know (multiple vendors) has ever before taken
so much time to load and recognise an inserted CD/DVD. Unless it was cheap
media burnt with a somewhat incompatible different writer, resulting in
many problems to read it. It wouldn't keep trying for a full minute, though,
but give up long before that.
> Generally, if during the time that the drive led is still on after the disk 
> has 
> been pulled back in, then k3b, or anything else that wants to read it can sit 
> by silently, or take a dump and abort the operation.  k3b, or whatever util 
> is 
> doing this latter, and really does need to learn to wait.

And why does it work with kernel Why is the drive
ready to read with that kernel, but not with the newer ones? I think, I
once read that k3b waits for the tray to be closed. Maybe that really is
not enough, but the author(s) should know better as this must be
documented in the specs somewhere.

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