On Thursday 19 June 2008, Anne Wilson wrote:
>On Thursday 19 June 2008 12:17:20 Gene Heskett wrote:
>> That brings up another question.  I hear folks praising konquerer for its
>> file manager abilities, but to me a file manager is a 2 pane operation ala
>> mc.  I always fall back to mc cuz it Just Works(TM), it can do lots of
>> things krusader can't even think about doing.  What the heck good is
>> konquerer when an attempt to change directories in the left window throws
>> away the right window?  I fail to see how that can possibly be useful.  I
>> have not found a config option to make it a true, 2 pane file manager.  So
>> why do they call it that?
>What's wrong with 'split window'?  I sometimes have more than two panes open
>at once in konqueror if I'm doing some sorting.

It won't do it here, never has, and after bitching about it, I ran it to see if 
there was a config option that would force it, but its stuck in web browse mode 
forever here.  Midnight Commander, aka mc, is the real swiss army knife, and 
its always nice and sharp, so while I may rail about konquerer, at the end of 
the day its a shrug cuz I already have a tool that does what I want.

People are too darned enamored with eye candy, and that is another animal 
entirely from usefulness.  Krusader is 'purty' I'll give it that, but where is 
the usefulness? 90% is missing.

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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The end of the human race will be that it will eventually die of civilization.
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