Craig White wrote:
On Sat, 2009-02-14 at 21:50 -0800, john wendel wrote:
<Rant mode>

With FC6, I ran KDE 3.5 without any problems. I could drag and resize windows without glitches, scrolling was slow but basically usable, and Vim in a console (where I spend most of my time) was pleasant to use.

obviously you're feeling the effects of swap

you should open a terminal running 'top' to see where the memory & cpu
power is being siphoned rather than just speculating.


Good guess, but no cigar. Believe it or not, the box (almost) never uses swap space. I know the box is weak, so I'm careful how I use it. I don't have any services running, and I (mostly) never run more than one app at a time. Actually, the FC6/KDE system used a lot more memory than F10/XFCE but it worked fine.



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