On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 11:46 -0400, William Case wrote:
> Hi;
> On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 14:26 +0200, Antti J. Huhtala wrote:
> > ke, 2009-03-18 kello 08:22 +0100, Kevin Kofler kirjoitti:
> > > William Case wrote:
> > > > I agree completely.  The problem seems to be in the NetworkManager
> > > > Applet.  First, there is no manual.  Secondly, it seems to lack any
> > > > ability to affect the function of NetworkManager -- at least at the
> > > > simplest level.  I can't use it to disconnect, if for some reason I
> > > > might want to (eg. tweaking, playing around, etc.).  Even when I use the
> > > > edit function - "Edit Connections" - all the editable fields are greyed
> > > > out.  To me that is where an ordinary user would think to alter the
> > > > ifcfg-eth* script.  It seems to be just a front end gui for nm-tools
> > > > which in turn is only a reporting program.
> > > 
> > > "Edit Connections" is for primarily editing per-user settings. I think
> > > there's also a plugin for systemwide settings which can be edited at the
> > > same place, but Fedora is using a plugin to use the existing
> > > system-config-network settings instead, so you have to fire up
> > > system-config-network to change systemwide settings.
> > > 
> > >         Kevin Kofler
> > > 
> > I wonder if "Edit connections" now works even for per-user settings? A
> > few days ago I finally installed F10 from original (Nov -08) x86_64 DVD.
> > That version seemed to allow me to edit NM connections at least somehow
> > but I didn't do it before downloading some 340 M of updates. After that
> > "Edit connections" was useless (greyed out) for ordinary user.
> > Because I have a wired cable modem (at eth0) and a NATted Centos 5.2 box
> > connected to Internet (via eth1) through the F10 box, I could not make
> > NM behave the way I wanted. 
> > Maybe the original ifcfg-eth0 default of 'ONBOOT=no' is not a bug but it
> > surely is a poor choice for someone like me with no wireless devices.
> > After struggling a while with NM trying to configure it the way I
> > wanted, I had to disable NM altogether and configure the trusty old
> > network service like it is in my F9 system. To add insult to injury, it
> > is now necessary to install gnome-netstatus applet separately because it
> > has been removed from basic F10 installation's 'add-to-panel-gadgets'.
> > 
> > To me it looks like "life is too short for NM".

The lack of documentation is regrettable, but I haven't had much trouble
lately making it do anything I've tried.  (Admittedly, I haven't tried
everything possible.  In particular, I haven't tried to start a wireless
connection at boot, which seems to be the most common problem scenario.)

> I actually think that NM is a great improvement over
> system-config-network.  That is one of the reasons why I have brought
> any problems I am having with NM to this mailing list.  I would rather
> get NM working for me than return to system-config-network.  
> For ordinary users or users who would rather spend their time on things
> other than tweaking their wireless or wired network -- keep it
> simple,stupid (KISS).  The problem is, if you want to make some minor
> changes or alterations you have to dive into the arcane nether world of
> networking.
> I would suggest:
>      1. A button that allows you to disconnect (turn it off) temporarily
>         -- say to the next boot.

Right-click the applet and uncheck Enable Networking or Enable Wireless,
as appropriate.

>      2. An "Edit Connections" that actually allows you to edit
>         connections. 

All my wireless connections are editable from the applet.  The wired
connections are editable from s-c-network, as mentioned above.
Apparently Fedora devs think that that's the way to go.

>      3. Tie editing to root, if necessary, with the usual sudo or su -
>         popup.

See s-c-network.  It might be nice if nm-applet started s-c-network when
you tried to edit a "non-editable" connection, but if this is where an
"ordinary user" would think to
edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, then s-c-network the way
to do it.

>      4. Clearly show in the gui how to turn ONBOOT to yes or no.

See s-c-network.

BTW, I have a desktop with a recent F10 install, fully up to date.  It
has only a wired interface.  That interface comes up at boot (before
login) with no problem using NM, not using the network service.  I have
not made any changes to its /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0.
s-c-network shows that it is on at startup and controlled by NM.

>      5. A Default button that returns any adjustments to the default
>         settings.
>      6. A manual that is useful.
> And, by the way, what does the "never" that is placed at the end "System
> eth0" line mean?

Means "Never connected to that interface."  Apparently incorrect or
meaningless for System eth0, but seems to work for wireless.

                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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