William Case venit, vidit, dixit 18.03.2009 18:55:
> On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 17:35 +0000, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
>> On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 11:46 -0400, William Case wrote:
>>> Hi;
>>> On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 14:26 +0200, Antti J. Huhtala wrote:
>>>> ke, 2009-03-18 kello 08:22 +0100, Kevin Kofler kirjoitti:
>>>>> William Case wrote:
>> The lack of documentation is regrettable, but I haven't had much trouble
>> lately making it do anything I've tried.  (Admittedly, I haven't tried
>> everything possible.  In particular, I haven't tried to start a wireless
>> connection at boot, which seems to be the most common problem scenario.)
>>> I actually think that NM is a great improvement over
>>> system-config-network.  That is one of the reasons why I have brought
>>> any problems I am having with NM to this mailing list.  I would rather
>>> get NM working for me than return to system-config-network.  
>>> For ordinary users or users who would rather spend their time on things
>>> other than tweaking their wireless or wired network -- keep it
>>> simple,stupid (KISS).  The problem is, if you want to make some minor
>>> changes or alterations you have to dive into the arcane nether world of
>>> networking.
>>> I would suggest:
>>>      1. A button that allows you to disconnect (turn it off) temporarily
>>>         -- say to the next boot.
>> Right-click the applet and uncheck Enable Networking or Enable Wireless,
>> as appropriate.
> Sorry to everyone.  Was trying to disconnect by left-click then clicking
> on "System eth0."
>>>      2. An "Edit Connections" that actually allows you to edit
>>>         connections. 
>> All my wireless connections are editable from the applet.  The wired
>> connections are editable from s-c-network, as mentioned above.
>> Apparently Fedora devs think that that's the way to go.
>>>      3. Tie editing to root, if necessary, with the usual sudo or su -
>>>         popup.
>> See s-c-network.  It might be nice if nm-applet started s-c-network when
>> you tried to edit a "non-editable" connection, but if this is where an
>> "ordinary user" would think to
>> edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, then s-c-network the way
>> to do it.
>>>      4. Clearly show in the gui how to turn ONBOOT to yes or no.
>> See s-c-network.
>> BTW, I have a desktop with a recent F10 install, fully up to date.  It
>> has only a wired interface.  That interface comes up at boot (before
>> login) with no problem using NM, not using the network service.  I have
>> not made any changes to its /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0.
>> s-c-network shows that it is on at startup and controlled by NM.
> Trouble in paradise then.  I have two recent F10 installs, fully up to
> date.  Neither had ifcfg-eth0 BOOTUP=yes.

The default depends on your install media: if you didn't use your device
during install then anaconda put BOOTUP=no there. Which is why the
recent updates break automatic wired connections for existing users who
installed from CD/DVD. (NM used to ignore that setting.)

>>>      5. A Default button that returns any adjustments to the default
>>>         settings.
>>>      6. A manual that is useful.
>>> And, by the way, what does the "never" that is placed at the end "System
>>> eth0" line mean?
>> Means "Never connected to that interface."  Apparently incorrect or
>> meaningless for System eth0, but seems to work for wireless.
> I suppose I am being a bit tentative because I got into a major mixup in
> F9 between NM and system-config-network.  I just wish Fedora would make
> the network connecting completely one or the other. 

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