Linux Media wrote:

> I just wanted to speak up also and say that I agree that it's a good
> program. I've been telling anyone that wants to use Skype that it's one
> of the easiest, trouble free programs to install and use.

I found it reasonably easy to install under Fedora,
but I had problems with the Audio setup on both computers I used
(EeePC and Thinkpad).
In both cases I had to go to the Options setting,
which is in a rather odd place at the bottom of the page,
and change the Default Sound setting to the first option,
which was for the particular machine.

I'm not at all clear what the "default" sound setting could be?

I'd give the program 7/10 for installation and use under Linux,
and 9/10 under Windows XP.

Timothy Murphy
e-mail: gayleard /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

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