Tim wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-06-06 at 11:44 -0400, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> I fail to see how my using Skype takes anyone else's freedom away,
>> there are dozens of phone vendors, my choice of Skype does not impact
>> their choice in the slightest, they pick up a phone and call me.
> To paint the picture more fully, imagine having to have five telephones
> on your desk, and remember which is the right one to call which people,
> because they're on different telephone companies, and they don't
> interconnect.
> That's the situation with Skype, because *they* refuse to use a standard
> protocol.
Right....  Almost as bad as trying to figure out what social network
different friends are on...  myspace, facebook, linkedin....  Oh,
wait....I can get accounts on all of them and using something like "ping
fm" to update to all at the same time....oh darn...still have to read
them all to figure out what they are doing....

Yow! Maybe I should have asked for my Neutron Bomb in PAISLEY!
mei-mei.gres...@greshko.com http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=cCSz_koUhSg

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