On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 4:09 AM, Marko Vojinovic<vvma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Saturday 22 August 2009 08:20:36 Tim wrote:
>> On Fri, 2009-08-21 at 12:59 -0400, Jud Craft wrote:
>> > the "FAT32-user limitation" is built into GNOME, so that's not going
>> > away
> Why not tweak the /etc/fstab (I believe Ed Greshko already gave you that
> suggestion)?
> If I understand your usecase correctly, you can do it this way:
> 1) create some dummy user
> 2) modify /etc/fstab to have the drive mounted at boot time with the dummy
> user/group as owners (uid, gid), give it rwx permissions for the dummy group
> (umask), set appropriate SELinux info (context)
> 3) put all users that are supposed to use that drive into the dummy group
> 4) check that everything works as it should

That would work... but you don't have to create a new user.
Set the ownership to the user "nobody" and the dummy group
Set the group permissions for the directory to SGID.
Later you add users to the dummygrp group in /etc/group.


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