Jud Craft wrote:
> It doesn't help to be members of the group/GID.  I've definitely tried
> that mount option.  Thank you for all of the GID hints, but as far as
> I can tell, that's not enough here.
> GNOME's trash functionality under FAT32, in particular, is based upon
> the UID of the user that has currently mounted the drive.  It -must-
> currently be remounted per user, as a limitation of the Nautilus trash
> design.
> It -is- true that for all other intents and purposes, GID works fine.
> But it seems that some Nautilus functions really require the UID of
> the user to be set, so GID alone won't cut it.
> I am specifically trying to get GNOME to work.  Since I'm using this
> partition to exchange data between Windows and Linux, it does have to
> be FAT32.
I just don't understand a thing you are saying....

You started out by saying you wanted to write a script that does some
mounting...from your own post...

"It automatically mounts a drive that contains my Desktop directory. 
Hence, I need it to work before nautilus does. It specifically is a
per-user mount, so I can't have it globally automount at computer startup."

So folks here have been talking about ways to mount things automatically
using standard tools ... but now you reject advice due to FAT32.  But
your script that would mount would be mounting a FAT32 device/file
system, yes?

So, I don't known what in blazes your script would do differently and
why your way would work and others won't.

So...OK...  I give up....

I am 100% certain that if I were in your shoes I could get things to
work just fine without any kind of script or roadblock that you keep
throwing up.

Good luck...

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