> in theory what you suggest should work. but I've certainly had plenty
> of cases where for reasons unknown to me I couldn't browse to a
> particular machine or share, but could manually mount it just fine.

I second this.  I have -never- gotten Windows Network browsing to work
reliably, under either the latest versions of Ubuntu or Fedora.  And
that's after browsing through numerous Samba packages and firewall
settings posts for both distros (although at least Fedora has that
handy Samba toggle in system-config-firewall).

For the lay person, it's just unconquerable.  Being able to integrate
into the local network should be a default feature for desktop users,
with little to no configuration needed.

Heck, I can't even get Gnome's User File Sharing to work between
Ubuntu and Fedora unless I completely deactivate the firewalls -- and
Fedora doesn't come with the correct packages installed by default;
you have to hunt down certain Apache and DAV packages yourself before
you can activate the -built-in- file sharing!

Couple this with bugreports that GVFS (the new GNOME filesystem
library) can't do logins to certain Windows domains, WebDAV using NTLM
(a type of Windows authentication that has been successfully
implemented elsewhere), or support different profiles (like read-only
Guest, but read-write requires a real account on the target PC) and
network-sharing is just a pain in the arse.

I apologize for the bitterness.

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