roland wrote:

>>> I'm running Samba on a Fedora machine,
>>> and was hoping to access files on a Windows XP Pro client,
>>> by "sudo mount -t cifs harriet:C /mnt/win".
>>> This works OK, but I am not able to browse on the Windows machine.
>>> Am I misunderstanding something about how Samba works?
>>> Do I need to specify this Windows folder on the Linux box?
>>> Or is there some step I am meant to take on the Windows machine,
>>> beyond allowing File and Folder Sharing?
>> I've done things like that, but find that I need to use some additional
>> mount options to pass along username and password for the share being
>> mounted. something like:

> also if you want read-write permission
> mount -t cifs -o user=me,password=mypassword,rw  //host/path /mnt/foobar
> default is rw but this seems not to be the case sometimes. Don't ask me
> why

Thanks for all the suggestions.
I've tried the above command, but the result is exactly the same.
I can connect to harriet:C , say, but when I browse
eg to Documents and Settings\tim
permission to list is refused.

However, I can list Documents and Settings\Default User .

In general, I am completely confused by the Windows setup.
For example, I have two shares, EAGC and EAGD, on drives C and D.
As far as I can see, the setup on these drives and shares is identical;
but I can mount and access share EAGD, but not EAGC (as seen below).

Having experimented for a time,
I've come to the conclusion that my problem lies in the Windows machine,
and not in the Linux Samba server.
I suspect the solution may lie in trying to set up a Windows network
involving 2 Windows machines.
Also, I've been using a Windows Workgroup, I could try to set up a Domain.

Incidentally, the reason I have been trying to setup Samba
is to backup the Windows machine with BackupPC running on my Linux server.
(This works perfectly in backing up Linux machines.)

[r...@helen ~]# mount -t cifs -o user=tim,password=****,rw  //harriet/C 
[r...@helen ~]# cd /mnt/win
[r...@helen win]# ls
17a7ba471958c0ae38b1428af3cefc4d  Config.Msi              IO.SYS     
MSOCache      ProgramData                WINDOWS
AUTOEXEC.BAT                      CONFIG.SYS              logs       
NTDETECT.COM  Program Files
$AVG8.VAULT$                      Documents and Settings  log.txt    ntldr      
boot.ini                          hiberfil.sys            MSDOS.SYS  
pagefile.sys  System Volume Information
[r...@helen win]# cd Documents\ and\ Settings/
[r...@helen Documents and Settings]# ls
All Users  Default User  deirdre  LocalService  NetworkService  roisin  tim
[r...@helen Documents and Settings]# ls tim
ls: reading directory tim: Permission denied
[r...@helen Documents and Settings]# ls Default\ User/
Application Data  Desktop    Local Settings  NetHood     NTUSER.DAT.LOG  
Recent  Start Menu
Cookies           Favorites  My Documents    NTUSER.DAT  PrintHood       
SendTo  Templates
[r...@helen Documents and Settings]# cd
[r...@helen ~]# umount /mnt/win
[r...@helen ~]# mount -t cifs -o user=tim,password=****,rw  //harriet/EAGD 
[r...@helen ~]# ls /mnt/win
The Sims 2
[r...@helen ~]# umount /mnt/win
[r...@helen ~]# mount -t cifs -o user=tim,password=rOisin,rw  //harriet/EAGC 
mount error 13 = Permission denied
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page ( mount.cifs)

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

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