Rahul Sundaram wrote:

>> I upgraded from CentOS-5.3 to CentOS-5.4
>> (and earlier from CentOS-5.2 to CentOS-5.3)
>> just by running "yum update".
>> Why can't I upgrade to Fedora-12 like that?
>> Is it just that the CentOS makers are cleverer...?
> CentOS is just a rebuild of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Since there is no
> point release of Fedora, you have to compare a upgrade from say CentOS
> 4.x to CentOS 5.x.

Well, the change from CentOS-5.n to CentOS-5.n+1 seems to occur
about as often as Fedora-m to Fedora-m+1.
Hopefully, CentOS-6 will not come in my lifetime.
(I'm quite old.)

> Other than that, I have continued to use yum (and other times using
> preupgrade) to upgrade to new releases of Fedora and they have worked
> fine.

I was rather unsuccessful with preupgrade from Fedora-10 to Fedora-11;
I think it worked on 1 out of 4 machines.
It was much more successful (for me) with Fedora-9 to Fedora-10.

I'll try it with Fedora-12 but I'm not too hopeful ...

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/ eircom.net
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

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