On 11/07/2009 08:33 PM, Timothy Murphy wrote:

> Well, the change from CentOS-5.n to CentOS-5.n+1 seems to occur
> about as often as Fedora-m to Fedora-m+1.

That's because RHEL has a longer lifecyle. No surprise there.

> I was rather unsuccessful with preupgrade from Fedora-10 to Fedora-11;
> I think it worked on 1 out of 4 machines.
> It was much more successful (for me) with Fedora-9 to Fedora-10.

Did you file any bug reports?  Fedora has a shorter lifecycle, no point
updates and software changes far more often.  This naturally does mean
that you have to upgrade more often as well. If you are willing to spend
sometime testing and reporting bugs, it will help us resolve the issues.
There is really magic bullet to solve upgrade problems. We are getting
better at it however.


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