On Dec 31, 2009, at 2:02 PM, Petrus de Calguarium wrote:

> Randy Yates wrote:
>> They are absolute pricks.
> You are much better off getting your information here and using this 
> excellent 
> resource of brains. And don't use this kind of language here, *ever*.

IRC is a wonderful resource to speak to others in real time. Most choose what 
they want, some do both. It is hard to replicate the real time ability of IRC, 
where you can clarify and explain instantly rather than waiting on a reply, 
even if it's a quick reply.

[R] is a long time user of Freenode. I had no idea he was associated with the 
#fedora channel at all, I don't recall seeing him in there but I don't really 
follow people around. VileGent and Khaytsus have both been on the network for a 
long while as well. Of note is their usermask, which includes "@fedora", thus 
they represent Fedora any time a user does a whois on them or they join a 

#fedora is an official Fedora channel. Advice is not official. There is 
probably a more appropriate place or person to contact. The channel was founded 
by Warren who appears to be active on the network, this may be a better place 
to start.

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