>>> They are absolute pricks.

The success of a distro, as with any organization, is affected to a
large extent by the way the "in crowd" treats the "out crowd".

I ran Slackware for many years.  But I gave it up completely and moved
to Debian when I started hanging out in the Slackware newsgroup.  It
didn't take long for me to notice that the old-time Slackware guys
were "absolute pricks" to all the newbies.  Their disdain for anyone
who failed to devote adequate time to Reading The Fine Manual was not
at all subtle.

I later switched from Debian to Fedora largely because of a general
atmosphere of self-righteousness that pervades the Debian community.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

   Dulcinea Technologies Corporation: Software of Elegance and Beauty.

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