Crystal, I like the suggestion about looking up cat groups on Petfinder.

Also, when you talk to a vet, ask them exactly what is wrong with her. FELV is not a disease, it just means that kitty is carrying a virus, and it can turn into other things - like lymphoma, anemia, and so on. They should be able to tell you more about her condition what you've said - like if she has tumors in her chest, an upper respiratory infection, or simply if the vet doesn't know!

Best of luck, and let us know!


I need to find out if there are any vets near albany ny who will treat cats that have FeLV I found out about 4 weeks ago that mt cat has it after about 3 colds in 3 months and then on the 4th month she almost died untill the new vet did blood work and told us she had FeLV he put her on antie"s she did good for about 1month and now she like drulling,getting verry white around the gums and her head is starting to like jurk all the vets say to me is she should be put down,and I will not kill my cat just because she has FeLV,shes my baby my mom got her for me when i came home from hosp,fromhaveing a surgey that went bad she is a great cat Inamed her miatia with big blue eyes she came from someone who lives on a farm and has aleast 50 cats she was under feed and sick when my mom brought her home she is my life so could some one please let me know were do i go next or what do i do next this is all new to me never had a ill animal before

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