I agree that I would not put a cat out for any length of time unless necessary (they said it was necessary to determine Simon's chemo treatment), but it is a small needle and they are out and I really do not think it caused any pain with Simon.  I am not saying I would do it for an FeLV test; I just seem to be the only person who has taken a cat for the test and so thought I would share that it did not seem like a big deal at all.  He never even looked at the spot on his shoulder, much less lick it or limp or act strangely about it. He had a lot of other things going on, though, so it was not the only thing he was dealing with.
In a message dated 2/21/05 5:00:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
It just sounds very painful, and even putting them out for a short period of time and waking them back up, I am convinced this is what caused my Snowballs attack.

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