Can you let me know what you think of it? I am not sure if it can be used all the time, and if it has odor control? but right now I pay $10.00 for 21lbs and I use 3 of those a all adds up

Barbara Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
there's a website for the litter
35 lbs for 14.95 and if you order two of anything,it's free shipping(click on the free shipping banner for more info).
i might order it as have had problems in the past but since i put them all on vit C and E and coq10 -10, i've had no problems--knock on wood or as my husband says, knock on the kitty's head.(they all love him...go figure...)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 1:50 PM
Subject: OT: New cat litter will detect illness in cats

Here's something odd:
Pet Ecology is to release a new cat litter that will detect urinary tract infections, diabetes and pregnancy in cats.  It's called "SCOOP-lite". for more info.

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