Thank you Kerry. Most of the time Gypsy seems to be happy and content. I hope (if it comes to that), I'll know when it's time to help her cross. As long as she continues to enjoy life, I'll fight with all my strength and resources to help her get better. On the days when my strength and resources are depleted, it gets really hard. Thanks again for the good wishes, they help.

MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote:

Thanks for the update Nina. Great news about Grace, and I'm sending
hopes that Zevon and Jazz continue to show improvement (however slowly).
I really feel for you re Gypsy. I'm praying hard that with all the love
and attention you're giving her, not to mention the special diet and all
the hard work involved in that, she improves over the next few days.
love & hugs, Kerry

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2005 1:27 PM
Subject: Update at Nina's house - stretched the VO for Jazz

Thank you to all those who inquired about Zevon's condition, here's a brief update on what's going on at my house:

Zevon: Zevon continues to insist that whatever his physical disabilities are, he will bully his body into submission! He has improved slightly, but still has some paralysis in his back legs. We are keeping him as still and quiet as possible and using a support strap

to make sure he doesn't lose his balance while walking or standing. He has a follow-up appointment on Thursday, so we should know more by then.

Gypsy: Gypsy's IBD has not improved. I joined the IBD group and they are all adamant about the benefits of a raw diet in treating these poor afflicted kitties. I ordered "Know Better Feline Instincts TC" to mix with raw muscle meats, liver and hearts, (I'm still looking for a good source for hearts). She's been on the new diet for 3 days now. I'm praying this will be what she needs, I'm running out of options. Of course, every time I say that, I find something else to try. She's eating better, but she's still a walking skeleton and she's been "leaking" watery stool all over herself and the house. I've tried to clean her up as best I can, but being semi-feral, it's not easy. I don't know how much longer I should allow this to go on, if she doesn't show improvement soon, I may have to say goodbye.

Grace: Grace continues to do well on 1/4 tab of Dox (25mg) daily. She's feeling so good that she's being very naughty, (what a delight!).

Her third eyelids were up this morning, so I may add some human interferon to her medication. I've also been giving her Sally's Transfer Factor mixed with baby food.

Jazz: Jazz had been acting sluggish for about 4 or 5 days. Her gums are red and inflamed and her breathing was raspy. I had been giving her

Transfer Factor, and it did seem to help a little.  I had 7 vials of VO,

so I decided to take a chance and stretch two of them for her.  On Sat I

gave her .4cc, (I wrapped the left-over in a sterile alcohol soaked pad and then in plastic wrap), Sun - .4 cc, today she'll get .4cc, Tue and Wed I'll give her .2 each day. She's already feeling better, this morning she was chasing bugs during her supervised backyard time. Her breathing is normal again as well. This is the first time I've "stretched" a vial of VO, it seems to be working okay. If the VO doesn't do the trick, I'll take her in for blood tests. I've been debating about ordering a new supply of VO, although, where the money's going to come from, I can't tell you.

Thanks for caring, keep those prayers coming!

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