Oh, Steve...I am so sorry...it's a good thing I work alone, because I'm 
absolutely crying my eyeballs out right now... :(  It's wonderful people like 
you that make this world a more bearable place to be.  I know Loki hasn't gone 
far and that you two will see each other again someday...oh, I'm crying 
again...just know that he's not alone, his sister as well as all of our 
furbabies who have gone before are with him sharing embarassing stories about 
their non-furparents!

Take care, you and Loki are in my thoughts,


----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, March 31, 2005 2:52 pm
Subject: Loki is at rest

> My last little love is gone.  I had to put him to sleep late 
> yesterday.
> For the past two weeks, my every waking moment and thought has 
> been for and
> about Loki. I did put him on Prednisone a week ago and it initial 
> seemed to
> help, but very quickly it was as before.  I then called the vet 
> and we
> doubled his dosage.  Once again, it initially seemed to help--
> though he
> seemed "drugged" this time--then quickly faded to his former 
> uncomfortablestate.  At no time, did the Pred noticeably shrink 
> the large tumor impeding
> his little lungs.
> I had been letting him outside to wander in the tall spring grass 
> (weeds)all around the house.  He loved it and it was a great 
> distraction and
> wonderful sensory stimulation for him.  If Loki did not have these 
> wonderfuldays, I may have PTS sooner, as the nights were 
> uncomfortable for him--he
> could no longer lay on his side and his lungs were pumping hard 
> all the
> time.
> Yesterday, too many changes took place: He was not enjoying the 
> out-of-doors
> like he had been, I did not see him drink water or eat his dry 
> food, he
> didn't want to bend down to eat his chicken baby food treat (had 
> to hold it
> up for him), and for the first time, he had a slightly open mouth. 
> At most
> other times during the day, he was lying or sitting with labored 
> breathingand looking very tired.  I felt it was the right time to 
> stop subjecting
> Loki's system to new measures, so I made the agonizing decision.
> My 10 month, 10 day old Loki went peacefully and quickly and is 
> now buried
> next to his sister under "their" oak tree.
> My beautiful brown/dark gray tiger kitty had a special 
> personality, quite
> different, but just as wonderful as his orange tabby sister 
> Leeloo.  Both
> were chosen from the litter my sister and nieces were raising 
> because their
> stars seemed to burn very bright.  These kittens--the smallest of the
> litter--had unusually beautiful little souls.  Loki also had a 
> smell, as his
> sister did; not the perfume my girl kitty Leeloo had, but the 
> smoky earthy
> scent of a boy kitty.  Perhaps like air smells during the first 
> rain on dry
> soil.  One could say his scent tended a tiny bit toward chocolate 
> and even
> cinnamon, like one lister noticed of her boy kitty.  I will miss 
> him jumping
> up to lay at the back of my neck and bending around to rub his 
> face against
> mine, purring all the while; coming to lay on his pillow at the 
> side of my
> computer to be near me; and turning over to rub his back on the 
> floor and to
> get his belly rubbed.
> I will be morning his loss for a long time... I can't see a time 
> when I will
> stop.  I know my pain will ease eventually and I know there will 
> soon be a
> time that I will no longer be exhausted from crying.  I loved my 
> little Loki
> like there was no tomorrow.
> Steve

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