Hi all,
As you know Thor is one of the new kitties, he has not eaten since yesterday, he is negative (or he was, when I got him) I know I might be paranoid, but Snowball went through the same symptoms. Sleeping alot, not eating ANYTHING not even people food and he has a little dark aorund his mouth, I have put a kleenex in there to see if it is clear and can not find any blood.
On Thursday I treated all 9 cats and my dog for fleas, I saw a few I used Advantage on the cats and Frontline on my dog, I only had I bad reaction and that was Sprinkels and she is fine now. I am just so worried about Thor I do not want to see hims got rhough what Snowball went through....any suggestions,
By the bye no Fever and Friday he was poopin fine.

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