Oh Susan, I understand completely. I've, sort of by default, opted for taking in fewer in order to do more for each one. The only way I can do that though, is to stay inside the house with the door locked. Sometimes when I'm driving down the streets of my neighborhood, I'm afraid of what I'll find, (I still look though!).

One thing we can do, as far as the VO goes, is start a "black market". Have as many of us as possible get our approval from the FDA, (that costs nothing but time, if you have a vet that will cooperate), then those of us that are able, can buy the minimum order and split the cost of the boxes between us. After getting the approval, it has taken about two weeks for it to come in. Hopefully when Canada approves the drug, the time lag will be shorter. If enough of us have enough of the VO on hand to spare, we could cut the waiting time for someone who is in desperate need.

Susan Loesch wrote:

You're right, it is the same way. I hope our vet will go ahead with the paperwork - and maybe we can find a way to come up with some $$. I sometimes wonder if it would be better to take in fewer animals and be able to concentrate more time and money both on their care - but then along comes another for whom we are the only chance - and - what do you do.

    Hi Susan,
    I think you're doing a wonderful thing, helping as many, as best you
    can. Thanks to you and all those who take on so much. What else could
    anyone ask for? Ah, a perfect world...

    The cost of the feline interferon is high, $250 for a full 5 day
    treatment. Yes, that will exclude so many from it's benefits, but
    that the way it is in the human world as well? I'm hoping the costs
    will come down, maybe when it's finally approved.

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