I don't think there is any way that Meowser gave our other kitty felv.  They never were even in contact.  We kept Meowser in the basement.  The vet also believes that Killian also had it before.  She told me that it's not very easy for it to be passed to another cat especially without ever having had any physical contact, pretty much impossible!  It's just a coincidence that we found out 2 months later.  Killian had been sick so we took her to the vet.  They ran blood tests on her.  All was well except testing positive for felv. What a shock!  But that was almost a year ago and she's been doing great!  You know you can vaccinate your other cats if you would like to keep Tom.  I know it's not easy to find a felv positive kitty a nice home.  It's heartbreaking.  He might live a full life.  You never know.
Good luck!

Barbara Baass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Do you think that that your sweet stray gave your kitty the Felv? I have been working like crazy to find Tom a home, putting up posters and even calling sanctuary's out of state. I can't seem to bring myself to haveTom put to sleep. He is so sweet & wants to please you in ever way that he can. I put a $45 ad in the paper and got two response, but these people don't sound like someone I want to give Tom to. One her kitty was shot with a pellet gun & someone kicked him and his guts were clear up at the top she said. He was only a year old. The surgery was going to cost her $1,500, so she had him put to sleep and she said she would have to buy Tom cheap food. I told her he needed to eat quality food. The other people live in an Apt. and said that Tom could stay out side, as there were a lot of cats around there. These do not sound like ideal homes to me.

Kathy Koutsis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nearly a year ago I ran across the same predicament.  Found a SWEET stray and took her in.  She tested felv positive and I already had a 10 year old negative.  I was so concerned for my 10 year old but I also had compassion for the felv+ cat (Meowser).  Putting her to sleep was NEVER an option for me.  I worked HARD to try to place her in a home.  I put flyers out but nobody responded.  I called numerous shelters and did research on the web. I finally found a sanctuary type no-kill sheter that takes in felv+ kitties.  I drove over two hours away to get her there.  I still keep in touch with the woman that runs the shelter and often give donations.  So, please don't give up and do all you can to find Tom a home!
By the way, a few months later I found out that my 10 year old is FELV+!!!!! We never even knew!  Your other cats could have it and you'd never know.  But Killian is now 11.  What a shame if she had been tested years ago and put to sleep!  She's a healthy, happy, energetic, loveable cat!  What a waste it would have been.

I need to find Tom a good home with another positive kitty or I have no choice but to put him to sleep. I have 4 non-positive kitties and my vet said I must place him some where to be with another of his own kind or by his self. PLEASE help save Tom and let him live out the rest of his life in comfort. I will provide all food and littler.
Barbara Baass

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