"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hey, maybe you could prod your sceptical co-worker into helping you---he must have quite a bit of free time now he's given up his volunteer work for ungrateful humans.....Good luck, Tamara, Kerry
Nice thought, but Jim can't be coorsed into animal rescue.  He agreed to my point, but he just doesn't "get" helping animals.  Doesn't see that they are worth it.  His calling is to work for people, and he's good at it...we all have our "gifts".
As for the letter in the newspaper...I wasn't worried that it would lead to too many people responding who wanted to home the animals...(if only), but rather let dog fighters know exactly where to go to collect more bait.
As for charging....if I can get re-embersment for a vet bill or a SNAP certificate to use on a later rescue, out of a new home, I will try , but normally...the people I've found are the best homes...are the ones with little funds to begin with...You know the types...lots of animals, but they will go without in order to feed and vet the furry ones.  So as long as the references check out, and I can keep in touch, visit the home, etc...I usually waive the adoption fee.
Oh, and thanks for the kind words, but trust me, I'm NO angel!

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