The foster and volunteers are not ignorant. I understand you are mad at this woman but don't take it out on people that did not know -some are more upset than you. What if they were led to believe these animals were adopted or healthy and ok. Remember Kess has been doing this animal rescue thing for years- You would think she would know what the right thing to do was more than anyone. How do you know they didn't think they were ok or placed in great foster homes like their own. Please try to be a little more opened minded. I believe if they even had the smallest bit of evidence from her that something was wrong someone would have done something.
a lot of those volunteers are amazing kind animal lovers and would never let anything like this happen let alone turn their head like you are suggesting. They love helping animals -I know this because i know some of them. There are foster homes that are great!! not all are like the one you saw on tv.  
Cherie A Gabbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ignorance, is not an excuse the fosters and volunteers should have asked questions and inquired about the sick kitties would have been humane and kind hearted.
I hope the adoption rate goes up for the shelter and Kess gets what is coming to her...I am so enraged by this, sad for the animals but angry about the woman....
Animals and children look to us to help, care and protect them...and as usual we have failed, and this woman is to blame.
Mia Nicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To everyone in this group,
Please do not take my recent email as a defense to Kitty Kind or this organization.
Again I am not affiliated with them and believe what her actions have created is horrible. My previous email is to express my concern for the cats with Kitty Kind and also the fosters and volunteers. Many of them are so upset and found out just like me and you. **Please remember some of those cats might have been with them at one point and they thought Marlene was doing the right thing. I am just worried some of these cats who really need homes will not get adopted because of the bad media Marlene has given this group.
Please remember that some of these cats are in foster homes and not with that woman!!
I hope I have not upset anyone with this email and have shed some light on the innocent kitties, fosters and volunteers. **Please remember they have just found out and just imagine how upset they must be.
Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I understand what you are saying about not judging everyone involved
with an organization because of one individual's actions and, of course,
the cats in their care shouldn't suffer further because of any human's
misconduct. When I read about this situation, I couldn't help but
wonder what sort of deplorable circumstances could lead someone who,
(one would hope), was trying to help, to these dire straights. Not
everyone will be able to muster compassion for the humans involved, but
we all are heartsick over what the innocents suffer.

Mia Nicer wrote:

> Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New
> York, New Jersey and Conn. area. *I am not making an excuse for
> Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she
> has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very
> familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart
> of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:*
> **
> *This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the
> end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please
> do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group
> has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to
> help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this
> situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the
> overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making
> an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers,
> fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a
> home and by making it harder for them to get their cats adopted out
> doesn't help anyone.
> *
> */[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:
> DNA - Marlene Kess & Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ.
> Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ
> Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400
> Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard
> E. Orange resident operates rescue agency
> Friday, May 20, 2005
> Star-Ledger Staff
> Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a
> caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her
> rescue and
> adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took
> it home
> herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death.
> Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like in
> practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor
> complaining
> about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the
> house -- 38
> of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into
> garbage bags
> in the back yard.
> The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor they
> produced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who
> responded to the
> two-story home on State Street.
> "Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated
> Humane
> Societies, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was
> horrible."
> Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of
> KittyKind, which
> operates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to
> East Orange
> from Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, apparently, moved with
> her. More
> arrived while she was there.
> "She claims that she takes in sick cats -- cats with feline
> leukemia -- and
> that she is a known rescuer who people will bring their cats to
> when they're
> dying," said Sgt. Joseph Bierman of the New Jersey Society for the
> Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
> When those cats did die, they went into large, heavy-duty garbage
> bags. Then
> they went into the yard, which backs to a parking lot used by the East
> Orange Board of Education and the East Orange Community Charter
> School.
> Bierman said he counted 21 garbage bags, each containing 10 or more
> vermin-infested carcasses. In some cases, he said, the cats had
> become so
> decomposed a precise number of bodies could not be determined.
> Kess had been
> placing dead cats in the yard since she moved in, Bierman said.
> "I haven't seen anything quite like this," Bierman said.
> "Certainly it's an
> unusual incident."
> Kess, seen arguing with animal-welfare officials outside the home,
> declined
> to comment.
> She was cited for several East Orange health code violations,
> among them
> keeping an unlawful number of animals, harboring dead animals and
> creating a
> potential environmental hazard by keeping the corpses on her
> property, city
> sanitary inspector Frank Habegger said last night.
> In addition, the SPCA charged her with 38 counts of failing to
> properly
> shelter cats. The counts stem from the cats being locked together
> in a front
> room. Some of the cats were healthy, while others were ill. Under
> state
> regulations, anyone keeping large numbers of animals must separate
> the sick
> from the healthy.
> Ten other healthy cats were roaming free in the house.
> Both investigations were continuing. This morning, public works
> crews were
> expected to remove the carcasses from the back yard, and
> necropsies were to
> be performed on some of the animals to determine a cause of death,
> said
> Darryl Jeffries, a city spokesman.
> Kess was allowed to keep the 48 living cats in her home because
> she said she
> would separate the sick and healthy animals, Bierman said. SPCA
> officers
> were planning to return to the home to ensure she does, he said.
> She apparently planned to bury the corpse-laden garbage bags in a
> large hole
> that had been recently dug in the back yard, Bierman said.
> "It was almost like a grave," he said, describing it as about 5
> feet deep
> and 7 feet wide. Kess told investigators she planned to plant a
> tree in the
> spot but hadn't yet gotten around to buying one, Bierman said. A
> handyman
> employed by Kess told investigators he dug the hole for a pool, the
> investigator said.
> Kess is well-known in cat rescue circles in Manhattan, where KittyKind
> operates a shelter within a Petco at Union Square. A longtime
> resident of
> Greenwich Village, she has been quoted frequently in small community
> newspapers about her efforts -- and struggles -- to care for cats that
> nobody else wants.
> "Animal overpopulation is a big problem," she told one community
> newspaper,
> the New York Resident, in 2002. "People are very irresponsible."
> Despite the difficulty placing cats, she has criticized New York
> City's high
> euthanasia rate, and she has championed the idea of seeing cats
> through even
> terminal illnesses.
> Not all animal-welfare advocates agree with that philosophy.
> "There are some things worse than death for animals, especially
> when they
> are sick and people are trying to needlessly extend their lives
> because they
> want to save every animal," said Roseanne Trezza, executive
> director of the
> Associated Humane Societies. "They refuse to recognize that we
> simply can't
> save them all, no matter how much we all care for these creatures,
> and no
> matter how much it hurts to euthanize them."
> **
> *
> Terrie Mohr
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