I am interested in contacting a cat whom passed in January of this year, is this possible?

"Kathleen A. Berard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here’s an excerpt from my February newsletter that I hope you find helpful . . .


With few exceptions, I do my communication sessions without having the client on the phone. I have the client provide me with some basic information about their animal friend, and their questions and messages for the animal. I set a photograph of the animal (if one is provided) next to my computer. I go through a prayer/ritual process to connect with the animal and to surround them, the property where they’re located, and all who inhabit that space with divine white Light. Then I type out everything I say to the animal and everything they send back (words, thought-forms, emotions, physical sensations, pictures . . . ). This way the client has a written transcript to refer back to and doesn’t have to try to take notes in a phone conversation between the three of us. Here’s how you can do channeled writing (for me, it’s now channeled typing J).


What is channeled writing, and how does it work?  I wasn’t taught this mode of writing. It came from being told to journal at various times during my life by a therapist, or a metaphysical teacher, or a spiritual advisor, or . . . I finally accepted (and BOY, did I kick and scream for many many years about doing it) that putting it on paper made it real, and that’s why I didn’t want to do it . . . and that was exactly the reason I needed to do it! I finally reached a point 6 years ago where I needed to commit to communicating with animals, not just dabble in it for friends who were interested  in what their pets had to say.


So I began writing it out, which for me was different than just having information flip through my consciousness. To begin the process, I’d start with a simple “hello” to an animal and wait to see what came back.  Sometimes it was a color, or a word, or a feeling.  Then it progressed to asking a question, and waiting to see what came back. Sometimes it was a still picture, like a snapshot, in my mind.  As time went on, those snapshots became moving pictures (like a short clip of film). Now I can usually see a 360-degree view of what the animal is seeing within that picture I’m seeing. That is, I can see the animal itself, and what it is seeing in a circle around it, and I also receive what I call aerial photos -- like being above the scene, looking down and around.  This is especially helpful when working on lost pet cases.


I started writing down what I received because teachers kept telling me to. They all said that trusting was the hardest part of all this, and writing it would help solidify the experience. Very true.  I’ve always been a stream-of-consciousness writer (much to the chagrin of friends and family, as I can be quite long-winded!), so shifting that form of writing over to what I received from animals wasn’t the hard part. What was hard was recognizing that I had a picture in my mind that came from the animal. I was so aware of the emotional or physical feeling I was receiving, or the words I was hearing, that I didn’t even notice the pictures. So when I’d do a session (when I first started), I would write what I heard and felt and sensed (a "knowing") but would forget to describe the pictures. I didn’t realize I was seeing them, but I was definitely receiving information from them.


It finally clicked that the transcripts were incomplete in some respects because the client would ask me questions that I knew had been answered through the information I received – but I didn’t realize that I was leaving out little details. When I started asking myself where the details were and why I wasn’t conveying them, I realized I’d been seeing the pictures almost like through a fog or shaded lens. I hadn’t been “looking” directly at them in my mind.  To make this sound really strange (not sure how else to convey this), it would be like a miniature me standing in my mind’s eye, looking outward at a photo or scene or movie. But instead of that little me looking straight ahead, her face was tilted down. I could sense and see the picture but not in full color or clearly.  [did that make ANY sense at all? LOL]


It was a progression but also a way I’ve always written.  As I started stringing the pieces together (first the knowing, then the emotional feeling, then eventually the hearing and seeing and physical sensations), the words began to flow.  So now I write what I hear, and each animal’s voice sounds different.  They each have their own distinct soul energy/vibration that translates for me into a voice sound – just like with people, each sounds different in tone, depth, pitch, speed.  Throughout the session I’ll describe the pictures I’m seeing or convey the emotion behind the words I’m hearing. Sometimes I get a holographic picture of the animal’s body and will “know” information, or “see” problem areas in their body.  (Note that I am a medical intuitive, not a veterinarian, so any information I receive is only offered for consideration, it is not medical advice. I always recommend the client consult with their veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.) 


I do my best to write everything down that is coming through to me from the five senses (sight, hearing, smelling, tasting, feeling), but those five levels (plus the intuitive “knowing”) are all coming from within my sixth sense/intuition/Third Eye, not from the outer world.  When I started doing sessions, I wrote all of this out longhand – boy, THAT was a pain. But it was necessary. And I’d heard that some communicators felt it was not good to type on a computer during a session because the energy from the computer would interfere with the integrity of the messages.  After I got tired of having my hand hurt for hours after a session, I decided that if I wanted to add energy to that thought about computer work, then that’s what I would get. So I sat down, took a deep breath, asked for guidance, held the intent that everything would be just fine . . . and it was.  I’ve been typing the transcripts during the session ever since.  That way I don’t have to try to remember anything afterwards; it all gets written down.  And the client has a very detailed written record about my conversation with their animal companion. 


To sum it up, I can now connect with each of the senses (within my sixth sense/Third Eye) and write about it.  Each communicator has their own unique way of doing this work.  My style works for some people, doesn’t for others, and that’s as it should be.


Hopefully this information will help you more consciously communicate with your animal friends. Or let me know if I can help enhance the bond between you and your animal friends via a communication session.



Kathleen A. Berard, Animal Communicator, Vibrational Essences Practitioner and Holistic Care Consultant





"If you don't know what your passion is, realize that one reason for your existence on Earth is to find it."  Oprah



Have a purrfect day

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