Thanks, Nina: I sent this email to both addresses and phoned the 
archdiocese. I spoke with a woman in Public Relations. Her sole desire 
was to find out how I got this informataion. She kept trying to brush 
me off, but I didn't let her.

I was brought up Catholic and St. Francis is my favorite saint.  I can
hardly believe that nuns are capable of creating an Auschwitz for
these poor little creatures of God. I refer to the starving of these
little beings and then trapping and placing them in a shelter where
they will be gassed.

You must know that this is a sin. I will say a rosary for you in hopes
that you repent and remember this:
:Jesus Condemneth The Ill Treatment Of Animals


"    6. And whatsoever ye do unto the Cast of these my children, ye do
it unto me. For I am in them and they are in me, Yea, I am in all
creatures and all creatures are in me. In all their joys I rejoice, in
all their afflictions I am afflicted. Wherefore I say unto you: Be ye
kind one to another, and to all the creatures of God. "

Kathy (JMJ)

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