I have pictures of her but none that show her handicap or her in action...As Jenn said she is a big love bug and I have a lot of pictures of her sitting and posing for the camera...When she does anything its just like any cat...1..2 and its done...no time to grab the camera....Its was a long time before we even saw how she was able to get on the perch on the climbing tree...Its a big stretch but if she can reach it she can pull herself up on it...

Mari Kolbe wrote:

You really should post a picture of her online, so everyone can see her. It is fascinating how well she copes with her legs deformed as they are.
I would very much like to see pictures of your baby Tad.  You may send them to me off list since this topic is an OT, but we currently have several babies with missing and/or deformed rear legs and are in the process of adopting another little one who has only 1/2" stubbs for legs.  While the ones we have are doing fine (one has about 2/3 of her rear legs and no feet) I am a little concerned about the new baby coming who has only a small amount of leg and no feet.  His current care giver says he is using a modified litter box and zipping around the house with his bonded litter mate doing regular kitten things.
/mari (SpiritCat)
Until there are none, adopt one.
SpiritCat and the Mooseheart Mumpkees
of southeastern Texas

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