Thank you, Barbara..


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barb Moermond
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: Geroge's passing


Oh Hideyo,

My heart goes out to you.  But George was very lucky to have found you and it sounds like he had a peaceful passing, no humans in sight:)  You gave him something that no one else could, a loving home.  Our thoughts and tears are with you.


Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, my beloved George whom I rescued two month ago crossed the bridge yesterday – he had a very labored breathing for the past few days, the vet felt that he was having a hard time overcoming URI due to the compromised immune system from FIV – he had been so well, he had a very good appetite.. but he never could really gain weight.  He was very jaundiced and yellow ness did not really go away,, but he was doing so good..though,, Since he is a feral boy,, I really did not want to stress him out taking him to a vet all the time…..though. I did sense the his last days might have been approaching as I felt that it must have been painful to breath so heavily..  and he was getting so skinny regardless of his appetite…the vet thought that his throat was very inflamed, and was going to call him the first thing yesterday morning to see if I could give him predisone… but he did not make it - 


I must have know that something was going to happen that morning, because I couldn’t sleep since 4 am that day..I was so nervous and was wide awake, kept thinking of George… I would go check the room and see how he was doing.. and would go back (he would get stressed more if I were around since he is a feral boy).. so I would go back,, one time, I heard really loud breathing, and I saw him trying to eat the food from the plate.. so I wanted to leave him alone so he could eat.. so I did.. and an half hour later or an hour.. I went back into the room.. and I did not hear his breathing noise in the room.. I got so scared… and I looked around..and called his name..and  he was lying on the floor by the food plate with his eyes and mouth open.. and I ran over to him and held him… he was still warm.. but he had passed already.. I cried and cried and held him, and I wrapped him with a blanket.. and put him on the table by the window…. He looked so painful with his eyes and mouth were open.. and I wish that they weren’t.. but then, an interesting thing happened.. I went back to visit George by the window in the room an half hour later .. and this time.. his eyes and mouth were completely closed and he looked so peaceful.. looked like he was just sleeping..with no more pain…


I have lots of regrets for thing I have done or I haven’t done for George.. things that I would regret for the rest of my lives and things that ended up shortening his lives and things that I would never forgive myself for.. but. I talked to Jasmine, my AC this morning and she talked to George for me.. and I still feel very sad, but I also feel very peaceful.  George is doing fabulous right now, he said... he is a little sad.. but he is feeling very good.  We talked about a lot of things.. but at the end he told me that.. don’t think that he is just a little helpless cat,, he is much more.. especially now,, he is free, and he can be an advisor for me --- as I do have a tendency to try to control every situation I encounter.. and I beat up myself when I can’t anyway, he gave me some advise which I found very very helpful to continue my life..

George said that he would like to meet me again,, probably not in my life time… I left the conversation, asking him that if he would talk to me again.. and he said yes.. I told him that I love him and will miss him very much…. And at the end,, he told me that he loves me, too…. George has been always a little feral boy.. and it meant the world to me to know that he loves me….I buried him at his favorite spot in the garden.. the place he used to hang out…


Thank for all the prayers you have given for George in the past… now George has passed..please pray that George will be continue to be happy, and continue to have a good life and that some day…I will meet him soon.



Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."
- Anonymous

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