Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

I am sorry that you haven't been able to findd peace with lose of your
baby - I can so relate, Steph, Everyone I lost, I have some regret - but
there are particulary a couple of I lost, Suzi, Henry and George...I
still cry.. because of things that I did to them or did not to them - I
so wish I did things differently......and Henry has passed over two
years ago, and Suzi has passed a year and half and a few weeks for

I lost Alphie in surgery, she couldn't handle the drugs. I knew when I scheduled the procedure that she wouldn't make it through, but I felt that I had no other option. She had Megacolon, when it started she had to have enemas every 6 months, but it had gotten to having them every 2 weeks and I felt her quality of life wasn't very good, but I still question that decision. My FELV+ looks an amazing amount like her and acme to me the weekend she died.

I am not sure if you believe in.. maybe you can talk to your baby via AC
to see how she is doing....

I believe in them, and I have a touch of communication powers/skills with animals, but I'm not comfortable contacting deceased animals. My living animals and I communicate often.

I have recently spoke with George via my AC- and he is doing even better
- he is very happy where he is and whom he is with .. and he is working
on forgiveness towards me for things he did (he really is not angry but
he also wished that things were different with me..)

I'm glad... It's so heartbreaking to lose them. I lost Alphies mother three years ago and I still have her older sister. Alphie was 14, Rosie (my FIV+) is 15 and still doing pretty well. My horse is lame right now, she and I are very close, very alike in our ways, and I feel she's given up, this time aruond the fights on me to get her better, she's tired of hurting. I got her some long acting pain killer shots last week, corisone, and some joint supplements (her problems are joint related, but unknown) and I think she's going to get her will back.

Thanks for being there!

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