Well I certainly wouldn't spay her while she's in heat, or when she's not eating. It may be that she's eating less because she's in heat, they get so focused with the hormonal surges and need to find a mate. How is she otherwise? Is she strong and healthy now? It's so stressful having them go through surgery. I had all my felv kitties spayed before I knew they were positive, otherwise I'd have been biting my fingernails too. And you've had that horrible experience with a perfectly healthy kitty passing after surgery. I think my bottom line is that I can't sanction having intact animals under my protection. If they cross my door, they don't go back out intact.

Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

Hi, My Ginger is almost one year and a half now and I waited to spay her
as she was extremely weak and underweight -----but she recently became
in heat and I felt so bad that she needed to go through it - I know it's
stressful to go through heat process, but I did not want her to go
through surgery because it will stressful as well -...she really does
not want to eat anything right now which happens once a while.. but I am
not sure if so because she is in heat.... any suggestions as to what I
should do for Ginger is very appreciated.. she is my dearest
baby...thank you!

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